What are the Best and Worst Times to Post on LinkedIn?


Timing analytics should be second nature for business websites. It can boost traffic, increase brand awareness, generate leads, and increase sales through the LinkedIn platform. LinkedIn functions in a similar way to Facebook and Twitter. This allows you to customize messages for specific audiences, send status updates and message people directly. Your LinkedIn performance will improve quickly thanks to accurate timing information.

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Although paid advertising opportunities on LinkedIn may not be as widespread as other social media platforms, LinkedIn is a great place to establish business relationships and can even turn into business opportunities. This network lends itself especially well to the B2B market.

The primary difference between LinkedIn and other social media platforms from a business stand-point is that LinkedIn is less of a mass marketing/advertising medium and more of a networking platform.

There are two main ways to use LinkedIn Platform.

You can first use LinkedIn as a passive push marketer. This means you add status updates and announce new blog posts. Then, publish your content to reach people and drive traffic to your site.

LinkedIn Timing Facts

LinkedIn’s best times to post on LinkedIn are Tuesday through Thursday. Business networking is different from general social networking. Many prefer Mondays to start their week offline, or recover from business-related travel or work-related travel. Most people are busy Mondays so it may not be a good time to make a new connection, receive a reply, or share content that you have posted.

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Entrepreneurs may also cut down on their social media use on Fridays in order to make time for family activities or business trips (e.g. sales mission, seminar, conference, exhibits, etc. This is also a bad time to get in touch with someone. Combine that with the Monday madness and you can easily get lost in the shuffle.

Online businesses have become more 24/7 and are globally connected. However, the following observations regarding LinkedIn that are time zone independent were made:

  • Most clicks and shares Tuesdays, 11AM-12PM
  • LinkedIn’s worst time of the week: After Friday night, 10 PM-6 AM.
  • Posting hours: 7-8 AM and 5-6 PM.
  • Peak hours of use on an average day are 12PM and 5-6PM.

LinkedIn members are part the growing trend toward mobile device usage. Foundation estimates that LinkedIn has over 63 million mobile users every month.

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Reach Your Target Market with Your LinkedIn Posting Schedule

Internet marketers rate LinkedIn as the most effective business-to-business (B2B), lead generation social media platform. It’s not surprising that you’re mostly dealing with B2B audiences that are available during business hours and midweek.

Post around lunchtime, or just before 5 pm, to ensure your LinkedIn content is seen, shared, liked, and acted on. It’s not surprising that busy professionals often save their social media interactions for lunchtime or the end of the day. Midweek is a time when employees are not focused on the weekend, and managers are focusing on the present agenda.

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LinkedIn Posting Timing Conclusion

LinkedIn allows internet marketers to connect with their target audience and each other via a variety of easily accessible, cutting-edge material. They should also be aware of when to post, not just what and how.

Your social media manager or you can time your LinkedIn posts so that your best content is in front of the right people at just the right time. This can make the difference between success and failure.

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Social media timing is important due to the nature of Internet marketing and commerce. To better reach your target audience, review LinkedIn basics and your posting calendar.